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search operations

См. также в других словарях:

  • search operations — paieškos darbai statusas Aprobuotas sritis civilinė sauga apibrėžtis Veiksmai, kuriais siekiama surasti įvykių, ekstremaliųjų įvykių ar ekstremaliųjų situacijų metu dingusius, pasiklydusius ar nukentėjusius gyventojus, patyrusius avariją laivus… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • operations research — the analysis, usually involving mathematical treatment, of a process, problem, or operation to determine its purpose and effectiveness and to gain maximum efficiency. [1940 45, Amer.] * * * Application of scientific methods to management and… …   Universalium

  • Operations Specialist (US Navy) — Operations Specialist Rating insignia Issued by: United States Navy United States Coast Guard Type Enlisted rating Abbreviation …   Wikipedia

  • Search and destroy — Search and Destroy, or Seek and Destroy, or Zippo, or even simply S D, refers to a military strategy that became a notorious component of the Vietnam War. It became an offensive, crucial to General Westmoreland’s second phase. In his three phase… …   Wikipedia

  • Search and seizure — is a legal procedure used in many civil law and common law legal systems whereby police or other authorities and their agents, who suspect that a crime has been committed, do a search of a person s property and confiscate any relevant evidence to …   Wikipedia

  • Search-based software engineering — (SBSE) is an approach to apply metaheuristic search techniques like genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and tabu search to software engineering problems. It is inspired by the observation that many activities in software engineering can be… …   Wikipedia

  • Operations Malheur I and Malheur II — Part of Vietnam War Date 11 May Aug 2, 1967 Location Quang Ngai Province Result …   Wikipedia

  • Search (TV series) — Search was a TV series that aired in 1972 1973. cite web | title= Search Episode Guide | url=http://aa.1asphost.com/CTVA/US/Spy/Search.htm | publisher=Classic TV Archive | accessdate=2006 11 28] The show aired Wednesday nights on NBC at 10 pm ET …   Wikipedia

  • Search and rescue — For other uses, see Search and rescue (disambiguation) Search and rescue A Canadian Forces CH 149 Cormorant helicopter hoists a man from a Canadian Coast Guard cutter Search and rescue (SAR) is the search for and provision of aid to people who… …   Wikipedia

  • Operations research — For the academic journal, see Operations Research: A Journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. Operations research (also referred to as decision science, or management science) is an interdisciplinary… …   Wikipedia

  • Search and rescue — Recherche et sauvetage Pour les articles homonymes, voir Search and rescue (homonymie) et SAR. La recherche et le sauvetage sont des opérations de secours aux personnes en situation de danger …   Wikipédia en Français

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